well....anyone got any idea how to run i76 behind router to work properly with internet servers?
i want to plaaaaaaaaaay and there is no chance to gain public ip:/
can anyone help me how to resolve that fckn problem?
i will try but strangest thing is that, i can play with somebody but i am dropped from the game in about 30 sec
also there are few control problems(steering, guns, etc).
....the last thing which i can do is just connect via modem (@#$%#$%...)
sirapacz wrote:i will try but strangest thing is that, i can play with somebody but i am dropped from the game in about 30 sec
also there are few control problems(steering, guns, etc).
....the last thing which i can do is just connect via modem (@#$%#$%...)
Classic symptoms, minus getting dropped. Those symptoms are also present when there are more than one of the same type of protocol stack running and in my experience, when the Windows XP Service Pack 1 firewall is turned on. The only way to cure this is to rewrite the .dll files used for multi-melee, but none of us know how to do it.
sirapacz wrote:ok....
have you got any idea where from we could get sources of that dlls?
well, i can try to talk with my proffessors to help me with that but i need sources...
or maybe full source of i76?
The sources to the .dll files are not obtainable in any respect at this point. The only thing I can tell you is to go download the updated .dll files for Interstate '82 and compare them to the originals in a hex editor of some sort. You can download the updated ones using this link: http://www.swcp.com/42a/ . I also recommend trying to get into contact with the people who made those files, maybe they could fix Interstate '76 and Nitro Pack as well, or at least give you info as to how they did it.
That's what I said, though only after I get a proper education in computer science.
Well, I did some poking around and saw that the dll files for classic and the ones for Nitro are two totally different animals. The classic ones are about 300+ lines, the Nitro ones are ~40 lines. I might do some experimenting sometime soon. I'm not going to promise anything, because tinkering with compiled code is very difficult. The most I might be able to accomplish is see what the difference is between the original I82 and new dll files.
I don't do routers- do you forward all traffic to the relevant ports, ie TCP and UDP? I only ask because for another online (racing) game, people had trouble with lag and dropouts because they didn't release UDP as well as TCP.
Jon-FactorGUN wrote:Forward port 21155 to your ip address, that is the port used for i'82 I believe it is the same for nitro because they both use the Anet software.
I think he may have two separate problems. I have a router but when I play I82 or Nitro I physically remove it and reconfigure my network settings. When my router is connected I drop out in about 30 sec. I've tried forwarding ports and even DMZing for I82 and it never worked for me (perhaps I did it wrong though).
The control problems may be an unrelated Nitro bug that I had just last TNE. It seems that if you try to configure too many buttons in Nitro it changes your settings after you leave, go back and you'll see they've changed (if this is your problem). My left/right movement changed from "left/right joystick" to "joysick" and I couldn't steer. After a couple of trys I kept most of my buttons undefined and it was ok.
hope this helps.
War what is it good for......
Oil barons and arms dealers.
Not you or me that's for sure!
KIV, could you or someone else post the names of the .dll files that need to be rewritten? I've been talking to a few programmers about it and they might be able to come up with something, but nothing for sure yet.
the names of the dll's, along with any other relevant info you guys have pertaining to rewritting them. thanks!