Maps,Patches from me.

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Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »
So many updates...uploaded all today. Updated archives support i76/gold/nitro.
You have to run make.bat within an archive to make mission files.

From now on, maps i release will use only addon. Do NOT install updated maps into miss8/16. ADDON folder ONLY.

Most of my maps were renamed please DELETE old ver...
[ + ] Old version deleter May/02/2017
This .bat file might help you.
For example, ruins.rac has been renamed to b01ruins.rac
If you want to save old ver, backup first please. The deleter does it's task without any notification.

and some converted maps are released on the page.
As far as I know..(well I played ALL maps except i82, I will report later.)
5 i76 maps on LSM were needed to be fixed, but 3 of them made no sence=no fix, 2 of them were fixed/re-released.
2 nitro maps on LSM needed to be fixed, 1 uses same terrain so I did not fix, 1 is fixed on my site.

oh man, 1moth has passed....and more wil be.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by Lightfoot »


The link for Nowhere, NM is pointed to Sanctuary.

The batch files are a little convoluted, too.

It doesn't make sense to have to run a batch and then still copy the output into the game folders...why not just archive the folders without all the hoops to jump through?


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added 6 updated maps+

Post by DIVER »
same url again.
updated: snow drive, skydrag2
convert/updated : ThunderValley ,AppalachiaDrag ,MotorX
fixed error : GunsOnly

optionally, I made a history of 76/nitro maps page too....some comments written in the url doesnot make a sence. Hitory nitro needs some more edit.
well yes, I played all.

reply to the LF
thanks for the report : broken link -fixed.

Reasons I made that .bat file are
76/gold/nitro can use same .ter.
To reduce file size of an archive, only 1 .ter, 1.lvl and .msn(nitro).
So I let .bat to copy and rename.

Make/Edit/Copy/Testing maps for all versions everytime bothers me much.
Integrating them all would be easier to manage mission files for each versions
and to maintain my own website.

Helping Gold user + reduce file size + make it in 1 archive + memory of i76 = .bat as my conclusion
Is it so bad?
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »

I forgot to make a deleter.
Before you test newly released snow drive, delete
from miss8/16 and addon.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by Lightfoot »

The batch file isn't exactly what I'd call an improvement.

Instead of just being able to open a ZIP and copy the files where the need to go (or maybe just extract them there in the first place) the batch adds another step (or two that may or may not work properly based on the OS or user permissions) and is sure to confuse anyone who's not super familiar with aftermarket maps.

There's also no need to cut corners due to file sizes or internal directory structures of the archive. The last (12) map pack I consolidated was a whopping 1.5MB, included all the proper pathing, duplicated files for Nitro and still downloaded in under 5 seconds.

(Hell, ALLNITROMAPS.ZIP is only 56MB and has over 250 maps.)

I guess what I'm getting at is that in this era maps should be (the same or possibly) *EASIER* to install and should include all the features for the game, like the 16-bit pallets (or at least placeholder files to work with down the road). Stashing everything in ADDON for Nitro is just asking for issues, too, since the contents of that folder takes precedent over MISS8 and MISS16.

However, it's *YOUR* time and *YOUR* project so *YOU* get to decide how you want to produce it.



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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »

Oh well, finaly I understand what ur talking about.
It's UAC what I've been forget. no wonder I cut it off....srightclick zip select run as admin...right annoys.
I better repack. wat the hell so many hours I wasted.

plz delete AGAIN archives or files you download from my website latery. (Or re-download/overwrite .zip when you can)
re-pack/upload will be finished within 12hours.

+gold ver will be deleted : change .cbt/.rac/.cf2/.cf3/.cf4 to .lvl to use it as gold ver. with .ter drop them into addon of gold edition.
+i76 ver will be excluded from converted maps.
+hmm... install folder is addon only. (no change)

reason why addon for nitro maps:
1, to match file/directory between players who host/join
2, to less my work

>Stashing everything in ADDON for Nitro is just asking for issues
nope. (my maps only) as long as host and joined player uses same directly.

As for reducing file size (=number of files), it's my policy, less file less worktime and trouble.
In any case, I wanna reduce number of files i maintain.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by Lightfoot »

>Stashing everything in ADDON for Nitro is just asking for issues

nope. (my maps only) as long as host and joined player uses same directly.
You're 100% wrong.

No one (except you) likes having just an 8-bit option and people (like me) aren't going to be happy about undoing the problems that are caused by using ADDON and 8-bit files (only) for Nitro instead using all three folders they way the developers intended.

It literally takes less than a minute to duplicate the files for the MISS folder and put things where they belong.

"It works for me" and "I like doing it this way" are why we have an entire Facebook community that can't play the game.


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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »

and it's done.(all)

filename, install folder, zip name is totally same. Overwrite please.
Just .txt files has been editetd for some notification.

old version deleter added again. right click -B.bat , select run as admin. (in nitro folder.)


Let me know concretely what is the problem which
>caused by using ADDON and 8-bit files...
Nitro can handle both of 16bit color in 8bit, 8bit color in 16bit. What kind of problem ever happend?
16bit mode never draw an image like 8bit/16bit mix, just it does everything in 16bit.

p01.msn : a new hope
n28.rac : pitch fork
n62.cbt : night driver
in miss16, they r using 8bit palettes.

>"It works for me" and "I like doing it this way"
I did not hear anything.

As ever i did, if a problem which obviously caused by using addon happens, I will fix.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by Lightfoot »

Here's my angle (and the last beating of this horse, dead or not):

Files in ADDON take precedence to the files in the MISS8/16 folders.

This means you'll only ever have ONE version of the map (the one that was installed to ADDON) regardless of whether you make a copy of it in MISS8/16 to make the pallet adjustments.

To have both 8 and 16-bit versions of the map, any RAC, .CBT or .CF# files in ADDON need to be deleted before the other version will work.

This is *EASY* stuff for you and I to figure out but the average vigilante (or creeper) isn't going to pick up on directory structure nuances and "alternate installation paths" 20-years deep into a game isn't going to make supporting them any easier.

Besides, if we put the files where they're "supposed" to be (per the developers; as opposed to where the "work") it *MAY* make it easier for some one that is *NOT* you or I pick up on how to create and publish maps in an easy, canned format.


Thanks for listening to me ramble.

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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »

To all whoever download my maps lately, sorry for inconvenience.

I found a crash caused by clicking on a blank map list
which happens when .rac/.cbt/.cfx exist in ADDON.

To prevent nitro.exe making it happen, I have to change
install folder of my maps.
I edited (just only) all .txt in my archive too.

* move .rac/.cbt/.ter into BOTH of miss8 and miss16.

If you install map files only into one of missXX,
ppl may disconnect when host changes, so be sure to
install map files into both of missXX.

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To Wayek

Post by DIVER »

relating to the topoic (the topic is locked)

When an author says INTO BOTH OF miss8/16, do NOT use addon,
and When .ter in both of miss8/16 do not drop the .ter into addon.
When an author says .ter into addon, cbt into miss8/16, then do so.
If an author contained miss8/ then no .ter in addon.

File structure of Host player and ppl who want to join MUST MATCH.

Please check readme again.

addon thv.ter -negative
miss8 thv.lvl thv.ter
miss16 thv.lvl thv.ter
.lvl and related .ter in nitro folders - negative.

You better recheck/make also inform ppl
Guess for the reason why .lvl in ur archive: cause it is listed in nitro maps section.
nitro.exe detects i76 maps (.lvl) on in-game maplist, and when ppl clicking on it, .exe crashes.

well......Hey, I must be so kindly
[missXX] : NitRus3A.rac link to NitRus3.ter
[addon] : NitRus3A.ter
[missXX] : NitRus3A.rac.bak -negative
When you (whoever) edit a map in binary or When renaming mission files,
be sure to check it without original files.
Currently, pair of NitRus3A.rac/.ter never work properly by themself.
As same as Frost Mines&Lost Dogs, Day Light's Race, file link is wrong.
They are all linking to original .ter and there are wrong(renamed) .ter

1:inform ppl to get original .ter into [missXX] (no fix, delete renamed .ter)
2:fix file link and contain renamed .ter too (good for managing maps)
3:release under the same file name, ONLY WHEN original file is broken or not converted yet.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

Hmm, I notice you have texture patches. They still work? Also sorry for not being online recently, been busy.
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wasted 4months, it's up.

Post by DIVER »

My new website location
[i76 terrarium]

what's now new
- Website up again.
- [i76 story maps] for all i76 version released
- [nearly 73km] released
- [narrowed road] released
- DIVER got i855GME M/B mATX (weeee WinME again!)

n73 and narrowed is as a terrain work, not so special.
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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by Lightfoot »

You're the man, dog!

When are we going to see you out in the Wasteland again?

We miss you!

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Re: Maps,Patches from me.

Post by DIVER »

Nice to see you again.
I may join a game later. But for now, I'm digging palette files. Tony is so talented..I thank you tony 4ever.
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