
Answers to all your Interstate dilemmas!
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Legend of Sorts
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Post by Lightfoot »

Seeing as how the rest of the guys aren't being quite as helpful as they could be, allow me to assist you.

For starters, you'll need to make sure you have compatibility mode enabled on your Win 2000 machine. To do this, simply copy and paste the following line into your RUN window off the start menu:

regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll

Once you've done that you'll need to uninstall the game from your Windows 2000 partition and remove all the Interstate related Activision keys from the registry

After the games are removed, you will need to COPY them from your Windows 98 partition to your Windows 2000 partition to avoid the registry entries that will cause you great pain.

Once you've recopied the data to your Windows 2000 partition, link the actual game EXE, not SPLASH and try the game out in SOFTWARE/USUAL mode before adventuring into the world of D3D (and you'll be on your own there).

Assuming the game runs, which it should, you may run into two problems.

If you're behind a router and your game gets disconnected after 15 seconds or so you will need to go to http://www.kegel.com/anet to research what UDP ports need to be opened *OR* simply move the PC in question into the routers DMZ.

The second problem you may encounter is "double text" when you type and a complete lack of functioning controls. All you'll need to do to resolve this problem is to disable any other adapters in your PC that have a TCP/IP stack bound to them.

If any or all of this doens't make any sense you'll need to find someone that understands it to do the work for you. I've found it's impossible to impart this knowledge to normal users even in the most serene of conditions due to thier lack of background...

Enjoy the boards and don't make us regret giving you access.


If only you could see what I've seen...
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Post by jawrat »

okay, so I finally got it working last night. Downloaded and installed the newest application compatibility toolkit from microshaft (2.6, avail on the ms site) and lo and behold...i76! wooooo! only hassle is the lack of controller and it's rather choppy. i've got a cel 1.4 and an ati aiw 7500 card, so i don't think the hardware is the bottleneck. (when i first played i76, i had a p233 and an stbnitro 4mb pci card!! the game actually came bundled with the card) at any rate, for real playing i'm stuck with rebooting into 98. not that much of a hassle, just a minor inconvenience. now about that anat server setup.... ;) i downloaded the code and read the INSTALL file. when i get some time, i'll see what I can do about setting it all up. my firewall is an openBSD job running pf, so i'm thinking that it should be okay to run through that. if not, i've got a few spare boxes over here which can go on the other side of the firewall, although I hate to do that.
Legend of Sorts
Posts: 2345
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 4:00 pm
Location: Somewhere in the Southwest


Post by Lightfoot »

I'm glad you got it running. I'm usually jumping up and down by now ranting about how it *IS* possible to do with the "end user" swearing up and down that it isn't...

Anyway, rumor has it that Vam from MEKTEK.NET and Lexi from INTERSTATE82.DE are both working on setting up servers so if you run into any issues leave a message here and I'll see if they're up to talking to you about it.

Don't forget the TNE tonight!


If only you could see what I've seen...
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2004 2:07 pm

Post by jawrat »

TNE? tonight? dunno if I can make it. I have to be in the studio at 8 and won't get home till about 1. ya never know tho...
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