Seems the old adage that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket holds true.

Long story short: Our "friends" at Site5 have decided that since *THEY* let one of the e-mail accounts associated with INTERSTATE76.COM get compromised that *THEY* would disable *ALL* site services, including my login to get to customer service.
Despite contacting them exactly 4 minutes after they e-mailed me (using alternate channels at 5:56am on Friday morning) about the issue they've proceeded to ignore me (and Megahirtz) for the last three days, leaving us dead in the water, because they are fully incompetent and can't figure out how to not blame the customer for their ineptness.
However, since PLAY and BARK are independent entities from the website and FORUMS are really the only thing you kids care about we've migrated them to our "emergency backup site" AUTO-VIGILANTE.COM.
I've set the redirect for INTERSTATE76.COM to go directly to these forums for the time being.
Hopefully this will get us back up and running (in some manner of speaking) until Site5 decides that I really can't fix their system level issues and that maybe killing an entire site because one (unused, system generated) account was compromised.
I'd say let me know if you have any problems but instead, how about you let me know when you can get the main page of the website?