30fps patch for base i76

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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

First post I ever made. Have to add registry entries to apply updates.
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »

Not in our world.



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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »

I didn't weigh in during the original thread since I figured you guys would figure it out yourselves...I guess you didn't.


Bottom line is I'76 and Nitro Pack are 16-bit games and the registry calls they make are unnecessary.

Running the installer for the patches is unnecessary, too.

Just extract the files and overwrite them...


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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

Well I wish I knew that then, regardless we're all Interstate fans and we all need to help each other. Activision and GOG obviously aren't going to do it; Activision's busy making more CoD games that haven't had gameplay changes since 2003, and GOG....well they're being GOG, focusing on the popular games and ignoring the obscure ones. I know GOG made more problems for you, but considering that they're pretty popular for older games and there are only so many CDs left out there in the wild, support for the GOG version is inevitable if you wish for this community to grow, or at least seem friendly to newcomers.
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »

All anyone has ever had to do was *ASK*...

...but egos get in the way and that's why this game is going to die.

You know, there's *NO* possible way that the guy who's owned INTERSTATE76.COM since 2001, hosted forums, collected all the maps, helped fund patch development and fired up an ANET2 server could know anything about the game, right?


For the record: I don't need GoG. I have the CD's an an ANET2 server. I can play with my friends *FOREVER*...

As far as I can tell they need me...or at least their customers do and that sounds like a bit of a problem, doesn't it?


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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

Well I'm asking right now, if you don't want to have new patches pre-cracked then can you help me find the offsets instead? They're different from the base game's. In the end it is your work, so it is your choice. But keep in mind, shit cooperate decision or not, you'll be alienating half the community: a good deal of todays PCs don't even include a CD drive anymore.

Look, I don't really want to cause anymore tension, no one else has responded in this thread since the argument began. Lets just get back to the topic at hand.
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »


I will not give you the offsets in the EXE's to allow you to edit them.

We've already have two people actively working on them (without consulting each other) and it's causing a rift with multiple versions of the same file(s) floating around site to site.

A third person at that party would be disastrous. Look what simply having three points of distribution for the game (GoG, Retro Gaming, eBay) has done.

If you're *REALLY* interested in helping us with the patches find IMMI or BofH (or both) and see what you can do to help them run down the "ram to kill" code that's missing from Nitro Pack.

I'm sure once you've proven to one of them that you know what you're typing about that the offsets will end up in your lap along with cautionary tales about multiple versions of the same file from different authors being distributed on random websites...or if you want to ignore me (like everyone else) just head over to Tony's blog and get yourself up to speed with his work.

Good luck.


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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

You've made your point, I'm waiting for immi to reply to my response. I've said it before, I too would like these versions unified. I must warn though, immi and Shane have a shitload more experience than me at hacking stuff; I'm more of a scripter.

For the window issue, I looked up "GDI" and turns out it was an old drawing API for graphics. But got fucked in Vista and later like everything else legacy (ddraw, dsound, ect.)

Speed Demon, I think I found out how to use the system win dll. Open immi's i76 exe in a text editor (or hex editor) and look for "win32.dll", replace it with "winmm.dll". Then look for ".\smk", change to ".\cutscenes". See if that works for you.
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »


So, why are we editing an EXE? (See the above post about multiple versions of the same file....)

If your idea actually works wouldn't it be WAY easier to rename the DLL and the folder instead of busting out a hex editor and running the risk of corrupting the file?

Hell, you could even make *COPIES* of the file and folder and just rename them...

...just sayin', dude.


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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

For now Multiple versions is inevitable so you'll just have to deal with it....
...just like I have to deal with a CD check :twisted:

He already tried copying the files, didn't work, though I'm not sure weather he fixed the cutscenes or not.
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »

OK, so editing the EXE will?

Dude, you need to step back and think about what you're typing...


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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by GuyFawkesGaming »

Well, I'm not an expert at windows components (as you may recall I come from Mac and Linux and this is my first PC in a long time), but a particular component can be made of several dlls. What if another dll from the winmm API is attempting to communicate back to the winmm.dll, but communicating with the system one rather than the copy due to the name change. The cutscenes change was unnecessary though I'll admit.

Perhaps I'm overthinking this. I wish I knew what other changes (if any) gog made to their version. What do you think?
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Re: 30fps patch for base i76

Post by Lightfoot »

To be honest?

I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about.

I also think you're giving people bad information and I'd like you to stop.

To reiterate for everyone still reading: *EDITING THE EXE IS BAD. DO NOT EDIT THE EXE*

However, in reply to your actual question, I think you missed the part about me suggesting you to *COPY* the file and folder in question to avoid the issues with renaming it *AND* staying away from editing the EXE.

Here, I'll quote myself:
Hell, you could even make *COPIES* of the file and folder and just rename them...
I also won't beat the dead horse that is "...go buy a copy of the legit game from eBay and everything works fine except connecting to the ANET server..." deal again so I'm thinking the last we'll be talking about this particular item in this particular thread.

Clear enough?


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